and practical information

Practical information - Holidays
How to come to the hotel restaurant of the Ermitage?
Where to find practical and tourist information about the area? Is the restaurant open on May 1st?
Come to Hotel l'Ermitage by train
- Gare de Laval
Distance Laval /Saulges : 32 km = 36 mn
- Gare de Sablé-sur-Sarthe
Distance Sablé-sur-Sarthe / Saulges : 19 km = 25 mn
Taxi to get from the station to the hotel: <I wait for your recommendations and your good addresses>
- portier dominique - tel:
- Ambiance Taxi - Tel: 02 43 98 66 26 - 53170 Meslay-du-Maine
tourist information
The Hotel de l'ermitage is a real point of tourist infotation! Here you will find leaflets, brochures, and tips ... but if you want to take a step ahead and prepare your stay, here are some useful links.
- Office de Tourisme des Coëvrons
- Comité départemental du Tourisme en Mayenne
Weekly closing, annual closings, holidays ...
Weekly close
April to october the restaurant is closed on Sunday and Monday noon
1er may the restaurant is close
november to march the restaurant is closed on saturday, sunday and monday morning
you can contact us from 15:00 am on Monday
11 november the restaurant is close
Annual closure :
- Vancances de février 1 semaine
- vacances d'été 1 semaine fin juillet
- vacances de la toussaint 1 semaine
- vacances de fin d'année 3 semaines (dont le 24 et 31 décembre)